Guidelines For Authors

Guidelines for authors/ contributors

Authors are requested to take care of the following guidelines before submission of the research paper to this journal:


1.        Submit only original papers which have never been published or sent for publication to any other publisher.

2.        Use Times New Roman for the entire manuscript with specific font sizes for different parts and headings of the paper.

3.        Word Limit for the full paper: 2500 to 3000 words

4.        Title of the Paper: Font 14, Centre text and bold

5.        Abstract: Font 12, Italics, word limit 150 to 200 words

6.        Key words: 5 to 7

7.        All Headings with font size 13 in bold

8.        All sub-headings in font size 12 in bold

9.        Body text/running text in font 12 un-bold

10.      Conclusion/Summary: Font 12, Italics, 200 to 300 words

11.      References: APA format (Latest Version)

12.      Diagrams/graphs/figures: Properly placed and cited in the text with diagram title at the bottom of the diagram.

13.      Tables: Properly placed and cited in the text with table number and title at the top of the table.

14.      The factual information adopted from any of the published document must be cited with source. In addition, this citation must be referred in detail in the reference list.

15.      Name of the contributor(s), designation, institutional affiliation, mobile number, email-id, and title of the paper on a separate sheet.

16.      Copyright issues must be taken care of. The manuscript must be free from plagiarization. Authors will be  required to submit a Certificate of Originality and Copyright Transfer Certificate to the publisher/editor(s) in case your paper is selected for publication in the Jamia Journal of Education.