Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission Guidelines


Follow the latest APA manual (7th edition) for formatting. [Times New Roman; 12-point for text; 14-point for heading; justified indent; single line spacing]


Author must choose one of the six subthemes for their abstract submission. However, the chairs reserve the right to reassign abstract to a different subtheme based on the content of the submission.


At least one author of each accepted abstract must register to present their work at the conference.


Only the registered participants will be given the certificate.


The registration fee is non-refundable.


For the abstract, the word limit is 300 words, it should include 3-5 keywords and should briefly include the aim, objectives, method and the results of the research.


Abstract should be submitted in a Word file as an attachment to the E-mail. The name of the file should follow given format: author(s)first names, abbreviation of affiliation, and subtheme. Mention ‘Abstract’ in the subject of the email.


The abstract should include the title, name of the author, affiliation of the author, and email address of the author. In case of more than one author, the e-mail address and affiliation of all authors/co-authors should be shared.


All submission must be original works of the author(s) and should not have been published anywhere before.


Submission should be done in accordance to the schedule as given in the brochure, through e-mail to: [email protected]


Acceptance of the abstract will be informed through an e-mail.


Full paper should be submitted in Word format, according to the schedule, once the abstract has been accepted.


Further information will be communicated to the presenters via e-mail.