
Application for participation in Workshop on "Modernization of Learning Environment in Higher Education" at FTK-Centre For Information Technology

The FTK-Centre For Information Technology is organizing a Workshop on “Modernization of Learning Environment in Higher Education” for the faculty members of Jamia Millia Islamia on January 18-19, 2013.

The training will impart hands-on skills to the faculty members and is expected to be helpful in making them comfortable in online managing and delivering their teaching contents. The workshop sessions are as follows:

January 18, 2013 (Friday)

11:00 - 12:00

Inaugural Session

02:45-05:30 p.m.
Technical Sessions

  • Google Apps – Tools for Academic coordination and collaboration
  • Content Management System and Virtual Classrooms
  • Content Management System and Virtual Classrooms using Adobe Connect

January 19, 2013 (Saturday)

09:45 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Technical Sessions

  • Managing and Sharing Calendars
  • Creating and sharing documents in a secure online environment.
  • Managing Online Surveys/Forms
  • Supplementing Classrooms with Course Management Systems –
  • Introduction to Turnitin – An Anti-plagiarism Software Service
  • Supplementing Classrooms with Course Management Systems – II

The interested faculty members may register by sending the completed form. It may please be noted that we have 30 seats for the program. The participation shall be confirmed on first-cum-first-serve basis.However, iIf received applications exceed the maximum capacity, the applicants will be trained in subsequent batches whose schedule will be notified separately.

Prof. Zahid H. Khan
Hony. Director