Activities & Programme Schedule
The UGC-MMTTC at Jamia organises the following major programmes for faculty, administrative Staff, Ph.D. Scholars and other Senior Officers from different universities and colleges in India.
- General Orientation Programme / Faculty Induction Programme (FIP)
- Subject Specific Refresher Courses
- Interdisciplinary Refresher Courses
- Special Summer/Winter School
- Short Term Programme for Senior Faculty.
- Professional Development Programmes for Administrative Staff (Group- A, B & C)
- New Education Policy (NEP-2020) Orientation and Sensitization Programme
Refresher Courses have been organized in different disciplines such as Arabic, Bio-Sciences, Basic Sciences, Computer Science, Chemistry, Comparative Literature, Commerce, Disaster Management, Education, English, Environmental Studies, Economics, Fine Arts, Gender Studies, Geography, Human Rights, Hindi, History, Languages, Library & Information Sciences, Mathematics, Management, Political Science, Persian, Peace and Conflict Studies, Urdu and West Asian Studies.
Additional Activities
- Training Services for other Institutions
Programmes Schedule
- UGC Tentative Schedule for Faculty Induction Programs/ Refresher Courses/ Short Term Programmes/ & NEP-2020 Orientation & Sensitization Programmes for the year 2024-2025. (22.04.2024)
- UGC Schedule for (Faculty Induction Program / Refresher / Short Term Programme) 2023-2024 (01.01.2024)
- UGC Approved Schedule for (Faculty Induction Program / Refresher / Short Term Programme) 2022-2023
- Tentative Schedule for (Orientation / Refresher / Professional Development Programme) 2021-2022
- UGC Approved Schedule for (Orientation / Refresher / Professional Development Programme) 2020-21
- UGC Approved Schedule for (Orientation / Refresher / Professional Development Programme) 2019-20
- UGC Approved Schedule for (Orientation / Refresher / Professional Development Programme) 2018-2019
- UGC- Tentative Schedule for (Orientation / Refresher / Short Term Course) 2017-2018
- UGC- Tentative Schedule for (Orientation / Refresher / Short Term Course) 2016-2017
- UGC-Approved Schedule for (Orientation / Refresher / Professional Development Programme) 2015-2016
- UGC Approved Orientation & Professional Development Programme Schedule for the Year 2014-2015
- UGC-Approved SCHEDULE for 2013-2014
- Schedule for the Year 2012-2013