
At a Glance - Zakir Husain Institute of Islamic Studies,
Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University), New Delhi-110025

Envisaged by Maulana Obaidullah Sindhi, a prominent early twentieth century Islamic scholar of the sub-continent and a freedom fighter, the Zakir Husain Institute of Islamic Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, was established in 1971 after the name of Dr. Zakir Husain, the first Muslim President of the Indian republic and the benefactor of Jamia Millia Islamia. Prof. M. Mujeeb, the eminent historian and the then Vice Chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia, was its founder and first director. He was followed by Prof Ziaul Hasan Faruqi, Prof S. Maqbool Ahmad, Prof S. Jamaluddin, Prof I. H. Azad Faruqi, Prof. Akhtarul Wasey, Prof. Mohammad Ishaque and Prof. Iqtidar Mohammad Khan. The Institute is being headed by Prof. Habibullah Khan since December 2024.

Since its inception the Institute through its publications, cultural and social studies, symposia, seminars and conferences has been promoting the understanding of Islam among the subscribers of other faiths as well as the various sects among Muslims within and outside the country with due stress on historical and contemporary role of Islam in providing inspiration and giving direction to human life.

The institute brings out two quarterly journals, one in English and other in Urdu respectively entitled as “Islam and the Modern Age” and “Islam Aur Asr-e-Jadeed”, apart from The Monthly Jamia. The first two journals have carved out a place for themselves among the leading academic journals on Islamic Studies. They attempt at the critical evaluation of the various aspects of the modern western culture pointing out the elements which are in harmony with the spiritual and moral values of Islam and can contribute to the Muslim community. They also evaluate the contribution of the world religions, especially Islam, to the common intellectual and cultural heritage of man. They discuss the ways in which Islam and other religions can cooperate to meet the challenges of the growing scepticism and unbelief throughout the world. They further study the movements of social reforms in Muslims and other communities and assess the Muslim condition on the whole. The institute also plans to bring a series of an annual publication entitled Islamic Tradition. It shall be devoted to the totally of the Islamic intellectual and spiritual tradition, embracing all the different schools and periods of time.

The Zakir Husain Institute of Islamic Studies organizes the prestigious Prof. Mohd. Mujeeb Memorial Lecture annually that has become a forum for expressing and discussing thoughts and ideas concerning Indo-Islamic and modern civilization and their interface. Many eminent scholars and intellectuals have so far delivered the lecture. In addition to this, the Institute also organizes extension lectures and symposia regularly.

The Institute hopes to bridge the gap between the Modernists and the Traditionalists. So far it has provided a platform for views from across the spectrum within Islam in a pluralistic, multi-racial and multi-cultural world. In the future, it hopes to set itself up as a Think Tank where different perspectives on Islam from across the world can be examined. It wishes to continue the process of dialogue and discussion through inter-faith meetings both within the field of academics and scholars as well as activists and opinion makers.

The Institute’s publications cover a wide range of ideas and academic interests. Some of its published titles are as follows:

  • Meer Taqi Meer (April-September 2023
  • Mohammad Ali aur Parwan-e-Azadi (July – December 2020)
  • Gandhi Aur Gandhiyai Fikr July-December 2019
  • Islami Tahzeeb O Tamaddun (Daur e Jahiliyyat se Aghaz e Islam Tak) April-September 2019
  • Education, Gandhi and Man, Selected Writings – Khwaja Ghulamus Saiyyadain (2008)
  • Education, Literature and Islam, Writings by Mohammad Mujeeb – (English) 2008
  • Intikhab Risala Jamia (Urdu-4 volumes) first volume (October 2003) second volume (May 2004) third volume June 2004 and fourth volume (July 2006)
  • Syed Abid Husain – Tahzeebi Wa Siyasi Baseeratein, Nai Roshni Ke Hawale Se (Urdu), June 2006
  • Afkar e Zakir (Urdu) February 2005
  • Islami Basiraton Ke Asri Tarjuman Prof. Mushirul Haq (Urdu) July 2004
  • Al-Bairuni Aur Geographia-i-Aalam (Urdu) June 2004
  • Muallim-e-Tahzib Khwaja Ghulamussayyadain (Urdu) May 2004
  • Khama-e-Khusroo, Prof. Ali Mohammed Khusroo Ke Ilmi Adabi Mazamin Ka Majmua, (Urdu) December 2003
  • Dana-e-Raz Annemarie Schimmal (Urdu) July 2003
  • Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Azadi Ki Taraf (Urdu) February 2003
  • Firaq: Dayar-e-Shab Ka Musafir (Urdu) December 1996
  • Sir Syed Se Akbar Tak (Urdu) October 1995
  • Siah Faam Adab (Urdu) October 1995
  • Zakir Sahab Apne Aain-e-Lafzo Maana Mein (Urdu), February 1987
  • Nigar-e-Maana Intekhab-e-Ash’aar-e-Farsi (Urdu), February 1987
  • Fikr-e-Islami Ki Tashkeel-e-Jadeed (1978)