Message From The Head

Message from the Head
Dr. Zulquernain Mallick
Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. The Department started its journey in the year 1985 and since its inception, it has not only developed its infrastructure but has also strengthened its academic, research and outreach activities.
Our vision is “To establish the Department as a hub of quality education, research with innovation and recognition at National and International level.”
The required core values of knowledge, character building, integrity & transparency, teamwork, execution with passion, continuous improvement and student-centric learning are all closely integrated into our academic programs. Academic curriculum of the Department primarily aims at providing technical knowledge to the students, enhancing problem formulating, analyzing and solving skills, promoting ethical and moral values and innovating new products and technologies. Our syllabi are dynamic in nature and course contents are periodically updated in view of all around technological developments and need of the hour. Apart from curriculum-based studies, the emphasis is made on the promotion of innovative projects, interaction with industries, soft skill & personality development, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Currently, the Department is offering Undergraduate (B.Tech. Mechanical Engg.), Postgraduate M. Tech (Production & Industrial Engg., Machine Design and Thermal Engg,) and Doctorate Program (Ph.D.) in Mechanical engineering, Currently, a large number of students are enrolled in the doctoral program pursuing cutting edge research in different knowledge domains of Mechanical Engineering to prepare them to carry out research and development activities at the organizations they are associated with. The Department provides a conducive environment to encourage & promote research activities so as to make its teaching-learning process effective and efficient. The various programs offered by the Department facilitate lifelong learning & training for the benefits of the society.
The Department has a sanctioned strength of 28 faculty members and all faculty members possess doctorate degree and are also highly experienced. Faculty members have excellent academic and research background having high quality technical publications to their credit. They have been conferred with many prestigious awards at National and International levels. Several faculty members are among the editorial boards of National and International journals. They are the reviewers of technical papers submitted to the journals of National and International repute. They are continuously engaged in organizing National & International Conferences/ Seminars/ Symposium/ Workshops, Faculty Development Programs (FDPs), Summer/ Winter Schools, Short Term Courses etc. The faculty members have published a significant number of high-quality research papers in National and International journals. Currently, the Citation Count of the Department is more than 60,000, h-index is more than 110, i-10 index is more than 760. Presently three faculty members of the Department, Prof. Abid Haleem, Prof. Arshad Noor Siddiquee and Dr. Mohd Javaid are among the world’s top 2% scientists list by Stanford University, USA in year 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024. Faculty members have also published several books and book chapters for National and International publishers like PHI, Cambridge University Press UK, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis. They have successfully completed many sponsored research projects funded by organizations like A.I.C.T.E, U.G.C., D.S.T., MoEF etc. They are also involved in innovative research which has resulted in several Patents to their credit.
The Department has active and vibrant chapters of various professional societies such as American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and The Robotics Society (TRS) etc. which provides a world class platform to the students for organizing, participating and developing technical, engineering and innovative ideas. This helps in grooming a holistic personality of the students to take up future challenges.
The Department takes all necessary measures to quickly respond to the rapid technological advancement and strives hard to grow and become a renowned teaching-learning centre to prepare its students efficient and effective in contributing to the society and the nation. The Department is committed to produce Mechanical engineers who can serve the society and Nation to the best of their capabilities.
(Dr. Zulquernain Mallick)
Professor & Head